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Helen Mandel
I have always loved creating art, but didn't have the opportunity to explore it until later life. I find that everything around me is potentially interesting, and inspiring as a source of material. As a result, my work is varied and humorous. My mother and grandmother were fantastic at knitting and sewing, and I had hoped to emulate their skill...but seem to have found my own particular niche.

Collection of curiosities
Old film and bits of leftover clay amongst other bits and pieces. I had an old fashioned 'cabinet of curiosities' in mind when I made this. The soft felt material is dyed with tea.

I find the pattern of barcodes intriguing, and the different ways they appear on items. The buttons and watchstrap were in a collection of oddments I had been given in exchange for doing someone's shopping.

I became really interested in South American native artefacts after a trip there. These quipu were used as a counting or tallying device that were worn around the waist. the originals are massive and impressive.

Boab trees are known for their huge capacity to store water. I made this from offcuts of cake ribbon decoration, curtain tassle and vegetable net.

Alligator Chic
I love the madness of collage, and the combinations you can make with it. If there were fashion model alligators, I think their outfits would be made of offcuts of people and their clothes.

I can dream of flowers
I had daubed a piece of cellophane with acrylic paint that dried slowly (over several months) into the shape of a skull. I thought that was good fun, so I gave it a flower to chew on and a soft pillow to rest on.

Originally made for an exhibition about a local park, it is composed of abstract stitching patterns onto a piece of packing that you get in chocolate boxes.

New Time
Beads and bits of decoration from my wedding cake. It was my second time, so a 'New time' for me.

I like to make sketches of people in different situations when I'm out and about. These characters are a fun version of some aspects I sometimes observe.

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